Hex Americana
Ken’s one dream in life is to race in the ultimate monster derby grand prix! The one problem is that he doesn’t have his license or a car yet and his mom definitely doesn’t approve. But when Ken stumbles upon a town mystery he learns that the ghost stories he grew up on of Dante, the greatest grand prix racer who ever lived – and died – in Echo Caverns, are true. Now as a spirit Dante is one with his car, but he needs Ken’s flesh and blood to drive it. Can these two recreate the farmhouse training montage from TMNT 1990? Is there a chance they might kiss? Will Ken and Dante win the grand prix? Boy, I hope so!
Title | Hex Americana |
Creators | Bree Wolf |
Pages | 372 |
Softcover: 978-1-945820-76-2 DRM-free PDF: 978-1-945820-07-6 Softcover (DAMAGED): 978-1-945820-76-2 |
Publication Date | December 19, 2023 |
Dimensions | 6" × 9" |
Regular price
from $7.50 USD
Sale price
from $7.50 USD