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Smut Peddler X: Ten Years of Impeccable Pornoglyphics



A remastered tenth anniversary edition of the revolutionary sex-positive, consent-driven erotic comics anthology. Featuring an introduction from STOYA, words and art from ERIKA MOEN, E.K. WEAVER, CARLA SPEED MCNEIL, JESS FINK, BLUE DELLIQUANTI, and many more!

The Smut Peddler library of high-end erotic anthologies is a critically-acclaimed comic collection of impeccable pornoglyphics, but where did it all begin?

The first Smut Peddler mini-comics and eventual anthology absolutely revolutionized erotica in comics: spearheading a new wave of femme-led, consent-driven, queer-friendly porn from some of the best and brightest indie creators. Ten years later, it’s still a favorite one-handed read for cultivated ladies (and men of exceptional taste)!

In honor of this auspicious anniversary, the new edition you now hold in your hot little hands is stuffed with new material, remastered art and interiors, and the eternal Smut Peddler promise: erotic comics that are inclusive, sex-positive, and tons of fun!

Featuring an introduction by the internationally-renowned actor and writer STOYA, a new cover by CLAIRE HUMMEL, a foreword from the creators of Saucy Goose — the original Smut Peddler publisher — an afterword from Iron Circus founder C. SPIKE TROTMAN, and an oral history about the first Smut Peddler book from the folks who helped make it. And that’s on top of all the smoking-hot stories found inside!

  • Just Friends by Rebecca Ruby and Megan Furesz
  • Meet Cute by Trisha L. Sebastian and Erin Basie
  • Asteroid! by M. Magdalene and Mr. Darcy
  • A Boy & His Tenta-Bot by Betty Jean Doe
  • Love Lorn by Nora Riley and Kel McDonald
  • Once upon a Time… by Rennie Kingsley
  • Easy by Erika Moen and Leia Weathington
  • The Feather by Algesiras and Dwam
  • Oil for Water by Argets
  • Travesty by Ursula Wood and Jennifer Doyle
  • Kung Fu Hustlers by E.K. Weaver
  • Computer Love by Magnolia Porter
  • French Vanilla by Shari Hes
  • Love It Loud by Steve Horton and Erica Leigh Currey
  • Overboard by Alice Fox
  • Wicked Switch by B. White and Ambrosia
  • Yes and No by Alice Hunt and Dechanique
  • Extended Version by Carla Speed McNeil and Karate McDanger
  • Busking Beguile by Jess Fink
  • The Hand by Blue Delliquanti
  • A Hymn to Prosymnus by Nechama Frier
  • Fixer-Upper by Pupcake Jones
  • Thistlebed by Lee Blauersouth, Abby Lark, and Theo Lorenz
  • The Annunciation by C. Spike Trotman
  • Fiends with Benefits by Diana Nock
  • Daydreams by Amanda Lafrenais
Title Smut Peddler X: Ten Years of Impeccable Pornoglyphics
Creators Abby Lark, Amanda Lafrenais, Blue Delliquanti, C. Spike Trotman, Carla Speed McNeil, Dechanique, Diana Nock, E.K. Weaver, Jess Fink, Lee Blauersouth, Leia Weathington, Nechama Frier, Shari Hes, Theo Lorenz
Pages 368
ISBN Hardcover: 978-1-63899-135-9
Softcover: 978-1-63899-115-1
DRM-free PDF: 978-1-63899-116-8
Softcover (DAMAGED): 978-1-63899-115-1
Hardcover (DAMAGED): 978-1-63899-135-9
Publication Date June 25, 2024
Dimensions 6.625" x 10.25"
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Regular price from $17.00 USD
Sale price from $17.00 USD

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